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Forest sponsorship

The basis of our work is food forests in Sierra Leone, Africa. Together with local smallholders, we plant food forests exactly where forests used to disappear. And you can be part of it with a forest sponsorship, also as a gift to your loved ones.

Agroforestry systems, as they are known in the trade, are one of the most effective solutions to climate change. They store CO2 in the trunks and branches of trees and additionally in the soil because they help build up humus.

In addition, food forests give people additional income because crops can be harvested at multiple levels. In addition, food forests are home to many rare species of animals such as monkeys, bats, birds and insects. They bring nature back.

Secure forest sponsorship now

You like our ideas and want to support our work and the local villagers?

Then we offer you a forest sponsorship for an entire food forest, for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones. You can choose from 1/10 hectare (= 1,000 sqm), 1/4 hectare (= 2,500 sqm), 1/2 hectare (= 5,000 sqm) up to a whole hectare, i.e. 10,000 sqm. Depending on the size, we plant between 17 and 166 trees of different species. A sponsorship for a forest is available from 149,- Euro. In contrast to some other providers, you only pay once and have no further obligations.

A tree sponsorship for a single tree is good and is available from many providers. But a forest sponsorship from Climate Nuts, where we plant entire food forests piece by piece, is even better and many times more effective. For people, nature and climate. And it is something very special that definitely not everyone has!

» More about forest sponsorship as a gift

For companies

For companies, there is the company forest sponsorship and a village sponsorship to make the commitment in the CSR area visible. Specifically, among other things, through a certificate and monthly cashews and nuts for employees and reports with pictures for the social media channels. Find out now about our company forest sponsorships and village sponsorships. For people, nature and climate.

» More about forest sponsorship and village sponsorship for companies

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